Market Data

Real time data from top exchanges.

Get access to unified market data using REST APIs collected from top crypto exchanges via their public WebSockets. Once collected, it's processed using our internal mapping and stored in a well-designed, perfectly indexed database.

We provide live market data and exchange rates from the top 12 crypto exchanges in the world. Get precise exchange rates per symbol or asset ID.

Crypto & digital assets
Fiat currencies
Gapless data

One integration. Infinite possibilities

Get access to over 100+ endpoints using a single point of integration.

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What are you up to?

Our powerful blockchain product suite helps businesses and institutions build the ecosystem of tomorrow.

Crypto Wallet
Hardware Wallet
Crypto Exchange
Crypto PSP
Digital Banks
Crypto Lending
Crypto Custody
Crypto Taxes & Accounting

Infrastructure optimized for growth


Networks Supported


Avg Processing Time

25,000+ rq/s


100+ TB

of Big Data

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Crypto APIs?

Crypto APIs is a blockchain infrastructure layer that radically simplifies the development of blockchain and crypto related applications by providing all needed blockchain APIs. We provide fast, reliable, and unified API solutions to access real-time and historical data from crypto market and blockchain protocols.

What products does Crypto APIs offer?

Crypto APIs is a set of blockchain- and crypto-related products which can help you reduce your development and infrastructure costs. It's an infrastructure layer which significantly reduces your go to market time. - Wallet as a Service - an MPC digital wallet that incorporates the best features, security and authorization processes on the market. - Blockchain Data - Unified access to complex and dynamic blockchain data from a single point using REST APIs. - Blockchain Events - monitor and be notified for webhooks on top blockchain protocols using unified requests and callbacks - Node as a Service - shared and dedicated node infrastructure for top blockchains using JSON-RPC. - Key Management System - open-source key management system for secure HD wallet generation and storing of private keys. - Blockchain Tools - a collection of API endpoints that provide an easy connection with blockchains and perform certain operations. - Blockchain Automations - forward automatically any received coins or tokens to a preferred main deposit address. - Market Data - real-time market data from top crypto exchanges in one place.

Who are our intended customers?

Crypto APIs product suite has multiple use cases. Our infrastructure is designed to best serve any SMEs, enterprises or crypto-enthusiasts who need quick, secure and reliable access to top blockchain nodes. You can check our website to see the crypto and blockchain products that we offer and for any questions, don't hesitate and contact our team.

Where has Crypto APIs established its registration?

Crypto APIs Inc. is a registered brand in Delaware, United States.

Which blockchains networks are supported?

We currently support over 50 blockchains, including their testnets and mainnets. Detailed information about the supported networks is available on each dedicated service webpage. For some products, such as "Dedicated node as a service", we offer extended support beyond the listed blockchains.

Do you support testnet networks?

Yes, we support testnet networks for mutiple blockchains. We also offer a free subscription plan to be used over testnet networks.

Do you use one node per network?

We have a pool of nodes that we use, all hosted with us. If it happens one to go offline, there is always another one that will continue processing.

Do you use your own nodes or shared ones?

We don’t use shared nodes. The pool of nodes we use is owned by Crypto APIs.

How can I contact support?

You can contact our support team via Live Chat or Support Email. When you contact us, please use the email address associated with your Crypto APIs account, or the email added as a Team member in another Crypto APIs account.

Do you offer a free plan/trial/demo for Crypto APIs?

We do not offer trial or demo for Crypto APIs products. We do however offer a free subscription instead, which can be used over testing networks.

Can I use more than one Crypto APIs product at once?

Yes, you can use as many of our services as you wish. Our blockchain infrastructure is providing flexibility and is allowing you to continue using us even after you reach your subscription plan limits.

I need more custom settings for my subscription, is it possible?

Yes. We have a Custom option for subscription. To set it up you can directly discuss it with one of our representatives by contacting our team.

What is Pay As You Go?

Pay As You Go is our pricing model designed to eliminate any restrictions that could be limiting our clients from achieving their goals exactly when they need to. It enables customers on any of our paid plans to continue using our services beyond their plan's credit limit. Once you reach your credit limit, you will be notified by mail, and our Pay As You Go will automatically let you continue using our services without interruption at a slightly higher cost.

How can I pay for the service?

We accept payment methods such as debit and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard) by using our payment provider Stripe. We can also offer you an alternative way to pay for your subscription plan, such as wire transfers, pay with cryptocurrency or PayPal. For more information, contact our business development team at

Are payments for Crypto APIs services recurring?

Yes, our service plans are subscription-based, with payments recurring automatically until customers cancel their subscriptions. Please note that upon cancellation, clients are responsible for covering the costs of the current payment term. The subscription will be cancelled at the start of the next payment cycle.

Can I prepay for my subscription for a longer period?

Yes, you can. Please contact our team at to discuss the duration, payment methods, and terms.

Do you offer discounts?

We may offer discounts based on your subscription. Discounts are available for larger packages and longer-term subscriptions (yearly). If you believe your subscription qualifies for a discount, please contact our team right away!

What happens when I cancel my plan subscription?

If you decide to cancel your subscription, you will continue to have access to our services until the end of your current payment cycle. After that, your paid services will be discontinued. For example, if you are on a monthly subscription and cancel halfway through the month, you will still have access to paid services for the remaining two weeks. Please note that 30 days after your subscription is canceled, all data associated with your account, including your fund balance in Wallet as a Service and Blockchain Automations Service, will be permanently deleted.

What is "Throughput"?

Throughput is the metric we use to measure the number of credits that can be spent per second. Each subscription plan includes both soft and hard throughput limits. Soft throughput represents the number of requests per second included in clients chosen subscription plan. Clients can exceed the soft limit if necessary, with slightly higher credit consumption than specified in their chosen subscription plan. However, once the hard throughput limit is reached, clients will have reached the absolute maximum allowed. To increase your hard throughput limit, please upgrade your subscription plan or contact us to create a custom plan that meets your specific needs.

How many credits does an endpoint cost?

You can see the credits cost for each endpoint in our official Documentation. Simply select the endpoint you want information for and the credits cost is displayed at the end of the page.

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